Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Monday, February 13, 2012

Paul ducked conservative group
that kicked out anti-communists
Ron Paul was the only Republican contender to steer clear of a purportedly conservative group after it threw out the John Birch Society, which had embarrassed Republican governors during their attempts to woo Chinese business.

Paul won the Conservative Political Action straw poll in 2010 and 2011. This year, he demurred, explaining he wished to use his energies elsewhere.

Paul favors free trade and has not urged ending trade with China, though he has pointed out that China benefits from de facto protectionism because of America's monetary decisions. Paul has endorsed renewal of free trade with communist Cuba.

He sees eye to eye with the society on calls to abolish the Federal Reserve.

The Texas lawmaker has been chastised for being on good terms with the anti-communist group, though the society says that he doesn't speak for it and vice versa.

The candidates trying to prove their conservative credentials while being unconcerned about anti-anti-communism were Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.
Below is a story about the Republican crackdown on anti-communism:

Birch Society gets thumbs down
as politicians pursue China ties

Birchers have been cast out of the Conservative Political Action Conference scheduled for next February, according to the Daily Caller.

This follows a decision by the National Governors Association to bar a John Birch Society journalist this month from a conference on China trade, which the society opposes on grounds of communism representing a threat to national security. Chinese journalists, most of whom may not be overly objective concerning communist matters, were welcomed.

According to the Birch Society, Krista Zaharias, a senior press officer with the governors group, informed the Birch Society's New American in a series of emails that the group was denying credentials for William F. Jasper, a New American writer, and his colleague, Sam Antonio, producer of Liberty News Network, because Zaharias did not consider the New American’s articles to be written “in an objective manner.”

According to official letters obtained by the Daily Caller, the gay conservative group GOProud and the anticommunist Birch Society won’t be co-sponsoring the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 2012.

The decision was reached by a full vote of the American Conservative Union’s board of directors. The ACU organizes and hosts CPAC each year.

Long targeted for its McCarthyist viewpoint, the John Birch Society’s campaign to thwart engagement with the communist Chinese regime is not welcomed by various powerful groups. The society stirred anger recently when it strongly opposed the appointment of Leon Panetta as defense secretary on grounds of a background of communist political networking and liberal positions it deemed as helpful to the communist causes.

Conservatives in the Senate joined in the unanimous vote to confirm Panetta's appointment.

The following information comes from Gary Benoit of the New American, a Birch publication:

On July 15 and 16, the National Governors Association Annual Meeting met in Salt Lake City and featured a first-ever U.S.-China Governors Forum that brought together provincial governors China with their American counterparts.

In addition to the many Chinese reporters based in the United States who covered the event, the Chinese governors brought along their own entourage of journalists, photographers, and videographers.

In January of this year, the international press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders reported that the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China had issued a series of directives ordering all Chinese journalists to undergo a six-month course aimed at training  them, among other things, to “recognize and avoid politically sensitive topics.” The real purpose of the directives, says Reporters Without Borders is,  “in short, to make journalists themselves actors in censorship.”

The governors group appeared to be "cooperating with China’s Propaganda Department in this new initiative, whether it realizes it or not," Benoit charged. "While dozens of Beijing’s trained propagandists posing as journalists were welcomed to the NGA summit, the New American’s senior editor, William F. Jasper, was singled out for exclusion."

Jasper and Antonio, however, managed to cover the event, Benoit wrote.

Salt Lake Tribune spotlights communist favoritism

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Paul camp sees 'snow job'
in postponed Maine caucus
LAKE JACKSON, Texas (BUSINESS WIRE) – Tonight the campaign of 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul sent an email to supporters regarding today’s caucus results from the state of Maine. See below for a portion of comments from Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Manager John Tate.

“Ron Paul will win the most delegates out of Maine tonight.

“In fact, he will probably even win the ‘beauty contest’ straw poll the media has already called for Mitt Romney – even before all the votes have been tallied.

“In Washington County – where Ron Paul was incredibly strong – the caucus was delayed until next week just so the votes wouldn’t be reported by the national media today.

“Of course, their excuse for the delay was ‘snow.’

“That’s right. A prediction of 3-4 inches – that turned into nothing more than a dusting -- was enough for a local GOP official to postpone the caucuses just so the results wouldn’t be reported tonight.

“This is MAINE we’re talking about. The GIRL SCOUTS had an event today in Washington County that wasn’t canceled!

“And just the votes of Washington County would have been enough to put us over the top.

“This is an outrage. But our campaign is in this race to win, and will stay in it to the very end.

“Congressman Paul’s message of liberty and Constitutional principles is resonating with Americans everywhere who are sick and tired of the status quo establishment, and we plan to take this campaign on to ‘Super Tuesday’ and beyond.”

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Not-so-secret plan to push
America into war with Iran

Sometime soon Israel strikes Iran by air.

Lo and behold, a terrorist attack occurs in the United States and U.S. authorities very quickly determine that the attackers were probably Iranian agents, with media creating the impression that authorities are certain that Iran is responsible. Already we have media experts alleging "proof" that Iran runs terrorists inside the United States based on the purported Iranian plot to kill a Saudi envoy.

As Hollywood-style "evidence" is leaked to the media, Obama is pressured to go to war against Iran, being unable to reign in the media hysteria stoked by neoconservative assumptions as to who carried out the attacks

Iranian denials are suppressed or played way down in broadcast media. Other media distort Iran's denials and give interpretations explaining away the denials.

Eventually, Iran, bowing to the inevitable, decides to get some propaganda benefit by boasting of Iranianian derring do in carrying out the terrorist attack that, in fact, it had nothing to do with.

Are you religious? If not, you
can't vote for Ron Paul. Sorry those citing a religious reason

Only those citing a religious reason were permitted to vote late in Nevada. At a special caucus, Paul's supporters were barred if they did not sign a document, which warned of a perjury penalty, that asserted that they had been unable to attend earlier caucuses for religious reasons. The late caucus was arranged for the Orthodox Jewish community. That caucus gave Mitt Romney overwhelming support.

Election officials, without specifying location, reported they had found a discrepancy in the number of people who showed up versus the number of people who voted.

Paul did very well in Las Vegas and Clark County, besting his rivals handsomely. 

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links:  (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at 


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Paul newsletter skeptical
about Oklahoma City blast

A Ron Paul newsletter targeted the government-media combine
 for exploiting the Oklahoma City bombing in order to attack those who question the "wonderfulness of the federal government." The Clinton administration and media allies did indeed level an attack on militia groups and the right wing in connection with this episode.

The newsletter also quotes unnamed persons as seeing the possibility of an inside job and notes that central authorities exploit such incidents to promote centralized power. The newsletter does not say an inside job occurred but does acknowledge that much was left unknown.

The fact is that there were numerous reports that much information had been suppressed.

Let's hope Paul doesn't disavow this newsletter item. There is nothing wrong with it, even though political enemies wish to try to discredit him politically by use of the label "conspiracy theorist." Only government conspiracy theories are accepted by much of today's media, and these media outlets are the very ones anxious to stop Paul from upsetting the Pentagon-defense-contractor-media-cartel-Wall-Street complex.

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links:  (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Paul roughs up Obama
in swing state polling

Ron Paul may not be quite such a long-shot
 candidate after all, if the latest Gallup poll is to be believed.

According to the poll, registered voters in 12 key swing states showed Paul in a real horse race with President Obama. Paul, the pollster found, would gain 46 percent of the vote, while the incumbent president would have 49 percent.

And, a 3 percent difference is close enough to mean Paul might well obtain a victory in November.

It's true that Romney and Gingrich did a bit better than Paul, but only by a point or two. (Santorum trailed the field.)

Considering that the mainstream media have consistently marginalized Paul and brushed him off as an interesting phenomenon who is nevertheless unlectable, the Texan has overcome a great deal.

Anyone who could overcome as much as he has should certainly not be counted out. He may well have some more surprises in store for the naysayers.

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links:  (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at

Friday, January 27, 2012

Which conspiracy theory is right?
Rick Santorum has his answers

Rick Santorum chooses his conspiracy 
theories with care. The presidential candidate and energy company consultant sees a conspiracy of liberals to push their agenda via a global warming "hoax" but condemns the notion that the government was untruthful about what occurred on Sept. 11, 2001.

Santorum's conspiracy theory: "They don’t trust you to allocate resources in a way that they believe is best, and so they want to have a system that forces you to do what they think you should do in running your business and your lives."

He reiterated that position during last night's presidential debate in Florida, blasting rivals Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich for buying into "the global warming hoax."

Though Santorum, recently on the payroll of Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, was not registered as a lobbyist for Consol Energy, based in his home state of Pennsylvania, he nevertheless received a $142,500 consultancy fee from the firm.

Santorum, in a previous debate, stood behind Washington's story line about the events of 9/11 as he attacked Ron Paul thus: “On your website, on 9/11, you had a blog post that basically blamed the United States for 9/11– on your website yesterday," adding, "You said that it was our actions that brought about the actions of 9/11.”

Calling that position “irresponsible,” Santorum said a presidential candidate “should not be parroting what Osama Bin Laden said on 9/11,” as the attacks are not a result of our behavior, but because “we have a civilization that is antithetical to the civilization of the jihadists.”

It is not clear what Santorum meant by bin Laden's comments. The first comments attributed to bin Laden disclaimed any responsibility for the attacks.

At any rate, Paul replied that U.S. meddling in other nation's affairs stirred up resentments and that that's what he was getting at.

He has also strongly denied believing that 9/11 was an inside job, calling the notion "nonsense."

In this respect, either Paul has not done any real homework on the subject, or he -- like other politicians -- is intimidated by the media's ability to throw ridicule on those who publicly question the government on this matter.

However, rather than ducking there is an effective counterattack: Focus on the fact that scientists have been highly skeptical of the FBI's anthrax conclusions; if someone other than Bruce Ivins was involved, the possibility of a coverup of a conspiracy within the Pentagon looms large.

A McClatchy report on the anthrax probe

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links:  (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One journalist's pointed question
broke habeus corpus teleblockade


Kudos to Kelly Evans, a Wall Street Journal columnist, for bringing up the issue of peremptory detention of Americans during the South Carolina presidential debate on Jan. 17.

The fact that she had the gumption to raise the issue is commendable. But her question does not diminish by much the fact of the enormous media brown-out on such a tremendously important matter. There was little or no mention of the reactions of Romney, Paul or Santorum in followup coverage. Broadcast coverage of the issue has been virtually nil.

To his credit, the hawkish Santorum stood up for the right of a detained citizen to reach out to a lawyer and appeal his detention via federal court. Paul of course is strongly opposed to the detention law.

Romney rejected the basic right of an American to resort to the courts if he is deemed by the Pentagon to be a bad person.

Here is the relevant excerpt of the debate:

EVANS: Governor Romney, when President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, he enacted a provision allowing him to indefinitely detain American citizens in U.S. military custody, many, including Congressman Paul, have called it unconstitutional. At the same time the bill did provide money to continue funding U.S. troops.

Governor Romney, as president, would you have signed the National Defense Act as written?

ROMNEY: Yes, I would have. And I do believe that it is appropriate to have in our nation the capacity to detain people who are threats to this country, who are members of al Qaeda.

Look, you have every right in this country to protest and to express your views on a wide range of issues but you don't have a right to join a group that has killed Americans, and has declared war against America. That's treason. In this country we have a right to take those people and put them in jail.

And I recognize, I recognize that in a setting where they are enemy combatants and on our own soil, that could possibly be abused. There are a lot of things I think this president does wrong, lots of them, but I don't think he is going to abuse this power and I that if I were president I would not abuse this power. And I can also tell you that in my view you have to choose people who you believe have sufficient character not to abuse the power of the presidency and to make sure that we do not violate our constitutional principles.

But let me tell you, people who join al Qqaeda are not entitled to rights of due process under our normal legal code. They are entitled instead to be treated as enemy combatants.

EVANS: Senator Santorum...

[Romney interjects a criticism of the Pentagon budget.]

EVANS: Senator Santorum, 30 seconds to you, sir. Same question: would you have signed, as president would you have signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law as written?

[Minor chatter.]


First off, I would say this, what the law should be and what the law has been is that if you are a United States citizen and you are detained as an enemy combatant, then you have the right to go to federal court and file a habeas corpus position and be provided a lawyer. That was the state of the law before the National Defense Authorization Act and that should be the state of the law today.

You should not have -- you should not have -- if you are not an American citizen, that's one thing. But if you are a citizen and you are being held indefinitely, then you have the right to go to a federal court -- and again, the law prior to the National Defense Authorization Act was that you had the right to go to a court, and for that court to determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether you could continue to be held. That is a standard that should be maintained and I would maintain that standard as president.

[More minor chatter.]

PAUL:  I think we are going in the wrong direction for the protection of our liberties here at home. They are under deep threat. The Patriot Act has eliminated the fourth amendment. We now have a policy of preemptive war; you don't have to declare war and you don't even have to have an enemy. We can start the wars, that's what preemptive war is all about.

Now with the military appropriations defense act, this -- this is -- this is major. This says that the military can arrest an American citizen for under suspicion, and he can be held indefinitely, without habeas corpus, and be denied a lawyer indefinitely even in a prison here.

Let me give you one statistic. You're worrying about all these -- all these -- where we're going to try people, where are they going to do it, we have to do it secretly, because our rule of law is so flawed. We have arrested 362 people related to Al Qaida-type operation; 260 of them are in prison. They've been tried and convicted. So don't give up on our American judicial system so easily, I beg of you.

Just wondering...
why Google's cached pages are no longer highlighted, thus reducing their value in quickly searching for relevant data. Am I missing some technical change? Why would Google reduce the effectiveness of its service? Or is some software program masking out the highlights?

I had no trouble with Yahoo's cached pages.

I don't bother to follow all the latest internet arcana, and so it's possible I'm missing some new wiggle. If you know what's going on, shoot me an email to

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links:  (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at

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