Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Monday, September 17, 2012

Reporter's notes vanish,
limiting bioterror report

Dr. Edward Lifshitz, medical director
 of the New Jersey health departmen's communicable disease unit, is charged with the responsibility of educating physicians and hospital staff members on the means of counteracting a bioterrorism attack. He was set to speak at a New Brunswick, N.J., hospital shortly.

Lifshitz is listed as an expert on bioterrorism by the health department's public speaker's bureau.

Information entered by the writer into his cell phone concerning the topics Lifshitz, a public employee, discusses with physicians was erased between last night and this morning. Public pages concerning bioterrorism were blocked today when this writer tried to obtain access.

The topics were posted for physicians to see in a public corridor of St. Peter's hospital. A security guard had interrupted this writer as he took notes, attempting to make an issue of his note-taking. The conclusion is that she contacted authorities who then initiated surveillance and overreacted, taking extraordinary measures to curtail freedom of press.

The fact is that the list of topics was of interest to the public but did not disclose information of value to potential terrorists. The erased notes were less informative than the following page from the Middlesex County, N.J., web site, leading to the conclusion was that the decision to bar access was the sort of overreaction one gets from anxious bureaucrats.

Bioterrorism Guidebook

In the past, this writer has written articles on bioterrorism and was simply attempting to continue in that vein on his web site, Newz from Limbo. The topic is of compelling news value, especially in light of the fact that anthrax was mailed in New Jersey in 2001.

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links: (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at See for photo

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/11 disclosures
rock Washington

President Bush and his aides were repeatedly and sternly warned of an impending al Qaeda strike prior to Sept. 11, 2001, but let the attack happen by refusing to take basic precautions, according to top secret documents cited by a New York reporter.

The New York Times published the sensational charges by Kurt Eichenwald, one of its former reporters, as an opinion piece yesterday, Sept. 11. Eichenwald, who now works for Vanity Fair, is the author of the book 500 Days: Secrets and Lies in the Terror Wars. Vanity Fair published an except of Eichenwald's book.

CNN's Anderson Cooper last night had Eichenwald and Ari Fleischer, a former Bush spokesman, on the air clashing over whether the charges were politically motivated, with Eichenwald demanding that Fleischer show him one falsehood. Fleischer's response was to say that the 9/11 commission had reviewed the presidential daily briefings.

Fleischer pointed out that Eichenwald wrote a piece urging the defeat of Mitt Romney.

Eichenwald reported that he had read excerpts of presidential daily briefs provided by the CIA in the months before the attacks and that they were severe enough about the certainty of an al Qaeda strike that defensive measures should have been taken, but weren't.

Eichenwald's report raises important questions:

# Who leaked the top-secret information to him, and why? The most likely pipelines are the CIA -- perhaps CIA chief Leon Panetta -- or the Obama White House, which would have direct access to the 2001 briefings.

# Were the leaks intended to hurt the Republican campaign, as Fleischer suggests, or were CIA professionals laying down covering fire as more and more experts express contempt for the official account of 9/11. After all, the leaked excerpts actually bolster the CIA-FBI cover story.

As Dina Temple-Raston pointed out in a Washington Post book review, Eichenwald "presents the anthrax-mailing case, for example, as if it were without controversy, portraying Army researcher Bruce Ivins as a deranged man and the unequivocal killer." But, writes Temple-Raston, "Ivins committed suicide before he was charged with any crime, and plenty of people think there is enough wiggle room in the FBI’s circumstantial case against him to provide the benefit of the doubt."

# Did anyone from the 9/11 commission see the briefing papers cited by Eichenwald? Commissioner Jamie Gorelick, a former Justice Department official, had been granted the right to review such classified data. If she saw such evidence, did she play down its significance as part of a GOP-Democratic whitewash deal made to avoid a partisan feud over responsibility?

# Does airing of the Eichenwald-Fleischer squabble imply that that deal is dead, now that political stakes are so high as the campaign gets into full swing?

# Will news professionals declare "open season" on 9/11 coverup? That is, if the New York Times lifts the lid slightly on the treacherous circumstances of 9/11, will "the system" be in a position to try to keep that lid in only one position, or will the press disclose more bombshells?

# Will politicians become more specific about problems with the official 9/11 story? Politicians generally follow the code that if something appears "in the paper," that topic is fair game for public discussion.

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links: (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at See for photo

Monday, September 10, 2012

GOP convention coverage:
none dare say 'Communist'
From Accuracy in Media:

Newz from Limbo comments:
Newz from Limbo has never claimed that President Obama is a communist. (However, his support of the official pack of lies concerning the attacks of 9/11 does not speak well of him.)

But the issue brought up by Accuracy in Media has less to do with whether a film shown at the GOP convention unfairly smears the President as a suspected communist, than it does with the decision of mainstream media decision to talk about one anti-Obama film while giving the other the silent treatment, as if one film is more newsworthy than the other.

The reason for the choice is most likely the media taboo against mentioning domestic communism.

The film, Dreams of My Real Father, attempts to document the idea that Obama's biological father was Frank Marshall Davis, a leftist who took the 5th Amendment on communism in the 1950s. Marshall, according to AIM writer Cliff Kincaid, had been a father figure to Obama during his youth.

Interestingly, the Davis controversy is fueled by the Obama birth certificate issue, as Newz from Limbo has reported.

As media professionals well know, the news value of a film being shown at the Republican convention is that one can expect some of the film's charges to be hurled during the campaign. So the decision to focus on one film but not the other appears to be yet another instance of media avoidance of "McCarthyism," no matter how relevant,

And the fact is that mainstream media have in the past had to cope with Communism and radicalism controversies surrounding Obama, giving less of an excuse for spiking the Dreams of My Real Father story.

Some of those controversies:

# During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy arose regarding Barack Obama's contact with Bill Ayers, then a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and former leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist organization responsible for the bombing of the United States Capitol Building and the Pentagon in the 1970s.

Ayers served on two nonprofit boards with Obama. Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995, where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate. Obama denied any close link to Ayres.

Dohrn, a law professor at Northwestern University School, is also a former leader of the Weather Underground.

While a terrorist, Dohrn read a "Declaration of a State of War" against the United States government, and was placed on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list, where she remained for three years.

The Ayres-Dohrn matter erupted on the national stage during a 2008 presidential debate when ABC newsman and debate moderator George Stephanopoulas questioned Obama about it. Taking up the cue of the former press and political adviser to President Clinton, Hillary Clinton then hammered on the issue. John McCain's campaign later took up the theme with attack ads and robocalls.

# In June 2008, conservative columnist Michelle Malkin and others focused on what they saw as the leftism of a government-subsidized outfit known as ACORN, for which Obama had been a community organizer. After covert videos showing ACORN workers giving advice on how to evade the law, Congress unleashed invesitgations and the group folded.

# Obama hit the roof over Fox News commentator Glenn Beck's exposure in August 2009 of the fact that a top White House aide, Van Jones, had been a Communist Party activist.

Though most mainline media ignored the communism issue, Jones suddenly was too hot a potato for the White House job. However, the New York Daily News and other newspapers focused on Jones having once signed a petition urging a reinvestigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, assailing his fitness on that ground, and ignoring Jones' Communist past. How a person with such a background came to be hired by the White House was never answered in mainstream media.

A YouTube video of Beck's expose has been removed by Google, which notifies searchers thus:
"Glenn Beck exposes Color of...
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:
*ABC New
*FOX News Network
Sorry about that."

# In 2011, alternative conservative media unearthed the fact that Obama's CIA chief had warmly endorsed two persons closely aligned with the Communist movement. Mainstream media maintained strict silence and Panetta, a former top man in Bill Clinton's administration, was duly confirmed as Obama's defense secretary.

Panetta, as a Calfornia congressman representing Santa Cruz, inserted a tribute in the April 11, 1984, Congressional Record to one of his constituents, Lucy Haessler, calling her a “woman of peace” for her work in the pro-Soviet Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.

Panetta said that Haessler participated in “peace conferences” sponsored by the Women’s International Democratic Federation “in France, the Soviet Union, Poland, and East Germany." At the time, Poland and East Germany were members of the Soviet-dominated Warsaw Pact.

Panetta’s praise for Haessler got the attention at the time of Human Events, a national conservative weekly, which noted that the women's federation “appears to take the Soviet line on virtually every issue that comes up, ranging from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and yellow rain [communist chemical warfare] to the issue of new U.S. missiles in Europe."

Panetta told Human Events that he was unaware of the extremist nature of the women's league and other groups, countering: “Let me tell you something. I don’t know if you know about Santa Cruz, but Santa Cruz is a center for people who’ve been real activists in all kinds of organizations. If I started doing those kinds of checks on people who help out…I’d never stop. It’s just that kind of place.”

Yet Panetta's tribute to Hugh De Lacy, a man who had refused to tell Congress whether he was a communist, was inserted into the Congressional Record in 1983. Panetta, in fact, applauded De Lacy for standing up to "McCarthyism."

The series of “Dear Hugh” and “Dear Leon” letters discovered by conservative journalist Trevor Loudon in the Hugh De Lacy papers at the University of Washington shows that Panetta had had a working and cordial relationship with him. In fact, Panetta provided De Lacy, identified as a key contact of a communist spy ring, with sensitive documents.

De Lacy was never prosecuted for espionage. His communism, however, was attested by John Abt, longtime general counsel of the Communist Party, in his memoirs.

"Judging from the tone of some of the letters," AIM charges, "De Lacy appears to be telling Panetta what to say and do as a sitting member of Congress.

Many details provided by AIM.

# Further writings on Davis:

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links: (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at See for photo

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Vote for a new balance
to curb trend to tyranny

Newz from Limbo editorial:

A counterintuitive idea for libertarians and some liberals: vote for Romney.

Why? Obama has been doing things with basic American liberty that Bush and Cheney, as Republicans, couldn't do. A wall of Democratic opposition curbed them (not nearly enough). But the Democrats have been pretty much playing along with Obama's tightening up of Bush-Cheney infringements on liberty. Republicans won't oppose such measures, so our liberty has been under heavy assault.

With a Republican in the White House, the Democrats will tend to line up against the worst abuses of power, though again, probably insufficiently.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Assange's conspiracy theory
makes sense, say filmmakers
In a New York Times opinion piece, Michael Moore and Oliver Stone made a cogent case for Julian Assange's theory of a conspiracy to force him to the United States to face Obama administration retribution.

The State Department response was: "He is clearly trying to deflect attention away from the real issue, which is whether he's going to face justice in Sweden, which is the immediate issue. So that case has nothing to do with us. It's a matter between the UK, Sweden, and now Ecuador has inserted itself."

That still sounds as though the Obama administration wants Assange extradited to Sweden. So the question is, why?

As one blogger wrote: "So let me get this straight: The U.S. is complaining... about Britain not being able to extradite... an Australian citizen... to Sweden... because Ecuador has 'inserted itself'? Had the US thought it lost its place in line?"

Two key questions raised by Moore and Stone.

Why do the Swedish authorities refuse to question Mr. Assange in London? And why can neither government promise that Mr. Assange will not be extradited to the United States?
Moore and Stone have both won Academy Awards.

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links: (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at See for photo

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Indefinite detention of ex-Marine
who defied the feds on Facebook

An ex-Marine is under indefinite detention
 in a Veterans Administration psychiatric ward over anti-government speech he posted on Facebook.

Newz from Limbo reviewed a video, apparently put out by friends of the former Marine, which aired what appeared to be statements made by Brandon J. Raub.

The writer announced he was launching a revolution to overthrow the generals and asked that members of the military join him. He denounced the 9/11 cover-up as indicative of the evil of the federal government. At one point, he said the ax was sharpened and heads would roll.
Additionally, posts claimed that the Bushes indulged in satanic child sacrifices at a secret castle in Colorado, and that other very powerful persons were engaged in satanic rituals.

Though bombastic, the writings seemed to be clearly political speech that, Raub, whether suffering from combat stress disorder or not, had a right to express. However, Raub seems to have had a lot of sympathizers, some of whom were on hand to record his arrest, and this may have been the real reason for his detention.

The Pentagon Politburo was anxious to show who was boss in the face of increasing distrust of the feds, as evidenced by the success of Ron Paul's takeover of state GOP organizations. Though Paul does not endorse the "inside job" position on 9/11, many of his adherents do and they represent a mounting political threat to the military industrial complex (aka "the system").

The Pentagon is already beset my a morale problem in the armed forces as more and more of those in uniform become convinced that the 9/11 attacks were carried out by units of the Pentagon. Those in power are so worried about the 9/11 truth issue that they have begun readying military measures to control America's civilian population.

One must always beware, of course, Pentagon disinformation operations, whereby a "friend" of an anti-Pentagon movement of some sort "dirties up" the movement by tossing kooky statements into the milieu. Another possibility is that someone other than Raub has inserted bogus statements into the video as a means of discrediting him.

Below is an essay posted on Raub's Facebook site:

The Truth

by Brandon J Raub on Friday, November 11, 2011 at 10:00am

America has lost itself.  We have lost who we truly are.  This is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  This is the land of Thomas Jefferson.  This is the land of Benjamin Franklin.  This is the land of Fredrick Douglas.  This is the land of Smedley Butler.  This is the land John F. Kennedy.  This is the land of Martin Luther King.  This is the land where the cowboy wins.  This is the land where you can start from the bottom and get to the top.  This is the land where regardless of you race and ethnicity you can suceed and build a better life for you and your family.  This is the land where every race coexists peacefully.  This is the land where justice wins.  This is the land where liberty dwells. This is the land where freedom reigns.  This is the land where we help the poor, and people help eachother.  This is land where people beat racism.

The federal reserve is wrong.  They have designed a system based off of gread and fear.  They designed a system to crush the middle class between taxes and inflation.  This is wrong, and it is unjust.  It is wrong.

We have allowed ourselves to be devieced and seduced by the powers of the printing press.  It is not a good system.  It discourages saving: the foundation for all stable economic activity.  The federal reserve is artificially manipulating interests rates and creating phony economic data.  This thing has decieved our entire nation.

They created it 1913.  They also created the income tax in 1913.  They encouraged the growth of debt so they can tax you on it.  There is interest on the debt.  Your government is in bed with these people.  They want to enslave you to the government so that they can control every aspect of your lives.  It is an empire based on lies.  They operate of greed and fear.

There is a better way.  It's called freedom.  Freedom is called a lot of things.  But there is a true meaning.  It means very simply that you have the right to do whatever you want as long as you are not infringing on the feedoms of other people.

I firmly believe that God set America apart from the other nations of the world.  He saved a place where people could come to to escape bad systems of goverment.  This system we have created works.  It really works.

There is evil going on all around the world.  The United States was meant to lead the charge against injustice, but through our example not our force.  People do not respond to having liberty and freedom forced on them.

Men and Women follow courage.  They follow leadership, and courage.  Our example has paved the way for people all around the world to change their forms of goverment.

Force is not the way because liberty is a powerful concept.  The idea that men can govern themselves is the basis for every just form of government.

We can govern ourselves.  We do not need to be governed by men who want to install a one world banking system.  These men have machine hearts.  Machine and unnatural hearts.  They have blocked out the possibility of a better world.  They fear human progress.  They have monopolies on everything.

This life can be free and beautiful.  There are enough resources on this earth to support the world's population.  There are enough resources on this earth to feed everyone.  There is enough land for everyone to own their own land and farm, and produce their own energy.

These people have been hiding technology.  There are ways to create power easily.  There is technology that can provide free cheap power for everyone.  There are farming techniques that can feed the entire world.

They are controlling your media.  They have dumbed you down through your school systems.  They have systematically dismantled the constitution.  It is in rags.

The bill of rights is being systematically dismantled.  Men have spilled their blood for those rights.

Your sons and daughters, your brothers and sisters, and Americas best young men and women are loosing their limbs.  They are loosing their lives.  They are loosing the hearts.  They do not know why they are fighting.  They are killing.  And they do not know why.

They have done some extroadinary acts.  Their deeds go before them.  But these wars are lies.  They are lies.  They decieved our entire nation with terrorism.  They have gotten us to hand them our rights.  Our Rights!  Men died for those rights!

September Eleventh was an inside job.  They blew up a third building in broad daylight.  Building 7.

Your leaders betrayed you.

You elected an aristocracy.  They are beholden to special interests.  They were brainwashed through the Council on Foreign Relations.  Your leaders are planning to merge the United States into a one world banking system.  They want to put computer chips in you.

These men have evil hearts.  They have tricked you into supporting corporate facism.  We gave them the keys to our country.  We were not vigilant with our republic.


Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links: (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at See for photo

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Senate Dems shield Fed
from public accountability
By Ron Paul
House of Representatives
Last week the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed my legislation calling for a full and effective audit of the Federal Reserve. Well over 300 of my congressional colleagues supported the bill, each casting a landmark vote that marks the culmination of decades of work. We have taken a big step toward bringing transparency to the most destructive financial institution in the world.

But in many ways our work is only beginning. Despite the Senate majority leader's past support for similar legislation, no vote has been scheduled on my bill this year in the Senate. And only 29 senators have cosponsored Sen. Rand Paul's version of my bill in the other body. Please contact your senator and ask for their support. We need to push Senate leadership to hold a vote this year.

Understand that last week's historic vote never would have taken place without the efforts of millions of Americans like you, ordinary citizens concerned about liberty and the integrity of our currency. Political elites respond to political pressure, pure and simple. They follow rather than lead. If all 100 senators feel enough grassroots pressure, they will respond and force Senate leadership to hold what will be a very popular vote.

Of course Fed apologists - including Chairman Ben Bernanke - frequently insist that the Fed already is audited. But this is true only in the sense that it produces annual financial statements. It provides the public with its balance sheet as a fait accompli: we see only the net results of its financial transactions from the previous fiscal year in broad categories, and only after the fact.

We're also told that the Dodd-Frank bill passed in 2010 mandates an audit. But it provides for only a limited audit of certain Fed credit facilities surrounding the crisis period of 2008. It is backward looking, which frankly is of limited benefit.

The Fed also claims it wants to be "independent" from Congress so that politics don't interfere with monetary policy. This is absurd for two reasons.

First, the Fed already is inherently and unavoidably political. It made a political decision when it chose not to rescue Lehman Brothers in 2008, just as it made a political decision to provide liquidity for AIG in the same time period. These are just two obvious examples. Also Fed member banks and the Treasury Department are full of former- and future- Goldman Sachs officials. Are we really to believe that the interests of Goldman Sachs have absolutely no effect on Fed decisions? Clearly it's naïve to think the Fed somehow is above political or financial influence.

Second, it's important to remember that Congress created the Fed by statute. Congress therefore has the full, inherent authority to regulate the Fed in any way - up to and including abolishing it altogether.
It is precisely this information that must be made public because it so profoundly affects everyone who holds, saves, or uses U.S. dollars.

Newz from Limbo is a news site and, the hosting mechanism notwithstanding, should not be defined as a web log or as 'little more than a community forum'... Write News from Limbo at Krypto78=at=gmail=dot=com... The philosophical orientation of Newz from Limbo is best described as libertarian... For anti-censorship links: (If link fails, cut and paste it into the url bar)... You may reach some of Paul Conant's other pages through the sidebar link or at See for photo

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