Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Udall's defeat a setback
in the fight for our liberty

Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado has served the nation well with his diligent opposition to expansion of central government power at the expense of traditional American liberties, as spelled out in the Bill of Rights. His defeat is unfortunate, though predictable. Friends of liberty have few allies these days.

Background From Wikipedia:

Udall has been an opponent of the National Security Agency's mass surveillance programs. Following disclosure of the agency's mass surveillance of Americans, Udall has been an advocate for reform. Udall, along with Senators Ron Wyden and Rand Paul, published an Op-ed in the Los Angeles Times expressing their collective desire to "end the dragnet — and to affirm that we can keep our nation secure without trampling on and abandoning Americans' constitutional rights."

Udall has expressed support for permitting Edward Snowden to return to America to "make his case." After reports that the CIA had spied on senators, Udall called for the resignation of Agency Director John O. Brennan.

After the Sept. 11 attacks, Udall. who served one term in the House, was one of 66 House members, to vote against the Patriot Act. In 2011, Udall voted against reauthorizing that measure. In July 2014, Udall voted against the CISPA bill, which, if enacted, would allow for the sharing of internet traffic information between the U.S. government and technology and manufacturing companies. Udall expressed concern that that bill "lacks adequate protections for the privacy rights."

During the 2011 debate over the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA), Udall introduced an amendment to end the practice of military detention of American citizens indefinitely and without trial. In response to the amendment's introduction, the Obama administration threatened to veto the bill. The amendment was rejected by a vote of 60–38 (with 2 abstaining). Udall subsequently voted for the authorization measure in the joint session of Congress that passed it, though he remained "extremely troubled" by the detainee provision. The senator promised to "push Congress to conduct the maximum amount of oversight possible."

Udall has supported PRISM, a controversial clandestine anti-terrorism mass electronic surveillance data mining program launched in 2007 by the NSA. Even so, he has favored limits on the Patriot Act. "The Patriot Act should be reformed so Americans' phone records do not get indiscriminately swept up in a federal government database," the senator has said.

Friday, October 31, 2014


There is at least a plausible scenario whereby Angelfire pulled a page of mine due to a misunderstanding. Hence, I no longer wish to make an issue of the takedown.

If you're curious, the 2003 article,

Fox News: trumpet of Israel's hard right

can be found -- for now, anyway -- at:

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Governors' order fails to restrain

those who fib about Ebola contact

Anyone traveling from the Ebola region -- who says he or she has had no contact with an Ebola victim -- will be monitored and, if necessary, quarantined, according to a public health order issued by the governors of New York and New Jersey.

The problem is that people who fib about such contacts might fall ill and transmit the disease before they are quarantined, as opposed to the health care workers caught in the order who are very likely to be truthful.

Here is a copy of the joint statement:

"Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Governor Chris Christie today announced additional screening protocols for Ebola at both JFK and Newark Liberty International Airports:

  • •There will be real-time access to on-the-ground screening at JFK and Newark Liberty International Airports by New York and New Jersey Departments of Health staff;
  • •Each State Department of Health at JFK and Newark Liberty International Airports will, as permitted under applicable law, make its own determination as to hospitalization, quarantine, and other public health interventions for up to 21 days. There will also be a mandatory quarantine for any individual who had direct contact with an individual infected with the Ebola virus while in one of the three West African nations (Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea), including any medical personnel having performed medical services to individuals infected with the Ebola virus. Additionally, all individuals with travel history to the affected regions of West Africa, with no direct contact with an infected person, will be actively monitored by public health officials and, if necessary, quarantined, depending on the facts and circumstances of their particular situation;
  • •New York and New Jersey are establishing enhanced communication protocols between their respective state health departments to coordinate on matters pertaining to New York and New Jersey resident travelers who fly into Newark and JFK;
  • •The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) and Customs Border Patrol (CBP) will provide information to New York and New Jersey’s respective State Departments of Health on all screening on a real-time basis and provide a daily recap as to the status of that day’s screening and CDC determinations.
"'Since taking office, I have erred on the side of caution when it comes to the safety and protection of New Yorkers, and the current situation regarding Ebola will be no different,” said Governor Cuomo. “The steps New York and New Jersey are taking today will strengthen our safeguards to protect our residents against this disease and help ensure those that may be infected by Ebola are treated with the highest precautions.   I want to thank Governor Christie and his team for their spirit of partnership. This is an evolving situation but one that tests the ability of government to perform and as we have done in the past when facing similar challenges, we will do whatever is needed to put the health and safety of the people first.'

“'I have been clear that we will take whatever steps are necessary to protect the public health of the people of New Jersey which is exactly what these joint efforts with Governor Cuomo will do with additional screening and heightened standards for quarantine,' said Governor Christie.  'By demanding these enhanced measures, we are ensuring that any suspected cases are identified quickly and effectively, and that proper safeguards are executed.'

"Governor Cuomo also announced the launch of a new State information line to answer public health questions from New Yorkers about Ebola. The info line is free and trained operators are available to answer the public’s questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The number of the info line is 1-800-861-2280. It is important to note that this line is set up for public health information purposes only. If an individual requires medical attention, they should call their health care provider or 9-1-1 immediately."

A few days previously, the CDC announced monitoring for travelers whose routes originate in the Ebola outbreak region of Africa.

Here is the CDC statement:

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that public health authorities will begin active post-arrival monitoring of travelers whose travel originates in Liberia, Sierra Leone, or Guinea.  These travelers are now arriving to the United States at one of five airports where entry screening is being conducted by Customs and Border Protection and CDC.  Active post-arrival monitoring means that travelers without febrile illness or symptoms consistent with Ebola will be followed up daily by state and local health departments for 21 days from the date of their departure from West Africa.  Six states (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, and Georgia), where approximately 70% of incoming travelers are headed, have already taken steps to plan and implement active post-arrival monitoring which will begin on Monday, October 27.  Active post-arrival monitoring will begin in the remaining states in the days following.   CDC is providing assistance with active post-arrival monitoring to state and local health departments, including information on travelers arriving in their states, and upon request, technical support, consultation and funding.
"Active post-arrival monitoring is an approach in which state and local health officials maintain daily contact with all travelers from the three affected countries for the entire 21 days following their last possible date of exposure to Ebola virus. Twenty-one days is the longest time it can take from the time a person is infected with Ebola until that person has symptoms of Ebola. 
"Specifically, state and local authorities will require travelers to report the following information daily:  their temperature and the presence or absence of other Ebola symptoms such as headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, lack of appetite, or abnormal bleeding; and their intent to travel in-state or out-of-state. In the event a traveler does not report in, state or local public health officials will take immediate steps to locate the individual to ensure that active monitoring continues on a daily basis.
"In addition, travelers will receive a CARE (Check And Report Ebola) kit at the airport that contains a tracking log and pictorial description of symptoms, a thermometer, guidance for how to monitor with thermometer, a wallet card on who to contact if they have symptoms and that they can present to a health care provider, and a health advisory infographic on monitoring health for three weeks.
"Active monitoring establishes daily contact between public health officials and travelers from the affected region. In the event a traveler begins to show symptoms, public health officials will implement an isolation and evaluation plan following appropriate protocols to limit exposure, and direct the individual to a local hospital that has been trained to receive potential Ebola patients.
"Post arrival monitoring is an added safeguard that complements the existing exit screening protocols, which require all outbound passengers from the affected West African countries to be screened for fever, Ebola symptoms, and contact with Ebola and enhanced screening protocols at the five U.S. airports that will now receive all travelers from the affected countries. All three of these nations have asked for, and continue to receive, CDC assistance implementing exit screening."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Cameron sees 9/11 critics
as dangerous 'extremists'
His cabinet aide is moving to limit even peaceful speech

By Ian Henshall 
Press Release from Reinvestigate 911
 Reinvestigate 911, the UK campaign calling for a thorough and fully independent inquiry into the 9/11 attacks, condemns government plans to create a concept new to British public discourse: non-violent extremism.

This week Theresa May, Britain's home secretary, outlined plans for draconian legal controls on individuals not suspected or accused of advocating violence. This is not blue sky thinking or a party conference gimmick: the EU too is quietly developing a similar concept and wishes to operate an internet censorship system to deal with "esoteric" websites. David Cameron made a similar call to the UN General Assembly last week.

Reinvestigate 911 believes the true reason for the plans is that, as Hilary Clinton conceded while secretary of state, the NATO powers are losing the propaganda war and are increasingly seen as aggressors and warmongers. Rather than ask why, the easy response is to shoot the messenger. Obama official Cass Sunstein has called for organized attacks on websites which do not tow the official line, and from the Snowden leaks it seems clear that Sunstein's plans are in operation already. Here in the UK Ofcom claims the right to regulate internet news sites under little noticed passages of New Labor's Communication Act.

However Reinvestigate 911 is flattered that 13 years after the 9/11 attacks authorities still feel the need to proclaim the entirely discredited official 911 story and attempt to smear skeptics as conspiracy theorists.

Reinvestigate 911 will continue to draw attention to the impossibilities and contradictions in the official 9/11 story for as long as we are legally permitted and we call on the mainstream media to overcome the great fear we know they have. Please open this can of worms and start asking the obvious questions while it is still legal to do so.

For more details of the NATO plans and 9/11 leaks, see the following article.

David Cameron in another collision with reality

A bizarre passage, unnoticed in David Cameron's UN speech, could be the first signal of government censorship plans and may lie behind Home Secretary Theresa May's plans announced this week for a clampdown on government designated "extremists" even when they do not advocate violence.

Cameron laid down the new government line in his speech to the UN.  "We shouldn't stand by and just allow any form of nonviolent extremism." What on earth does this mean? UKIP? Stop the War? Surely one goal of democracy is to persuade potentially violent extremists to become nonviolent extremists? And isn't it the role of a democratic government to stand by while the democratic process unfolds.

The PM did not offer a definition but he said nonviolent extremism is characterized by "the peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or that the 7/7 London attacks were staged. The idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy. The concept of an inevitable clash of civilisations."

This statement takes smearing and guilt by association to a new level of absurdity. The Clash of Civilisation theory is the ruling theory at least in the US and Israel, Cameron only needs to read Rupert Murdoch's publications or listen to any speech by Netanyahu to see that. Presumably Cameron is not calling for "restrictions" on people like Rupert Murdoch and Samuel Huntingdon.

The idea that Muslims are persecuted as deliberate policy is also widespread. The best way of refuting that might be if Cameron and his NATO friends would bomb a non-Muslim country but since 9/11 this has never happened. If Cameron and Obama had got their way last summer Syria would have been the seventh Muslim country to be bombed since 9/11 and ISIS would quite likely now be in charge there.

A more logical candidate for the next bombing spree might be Saudi Arabia who, according the official story, supplied most of the 9/11 hijackers and, we now know, supported at least some of them in the US in the run-up to the attacks. Cameron's advisers are probably aware that the demand is growing in Congress to release the redacted part of the Congressional 9/11 probe which describes this in more detail, but the evidence is already public in the form of FBI leaks.

We are left with the most bizarre passage of all, but perhaps the part that could prove the most significant as the 9/11 truth movement continues to spread its influence globally. With his reference to "the peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot" Cameron is pedaling his own lies. Most in the 9/11 truth movement have an open mind as to what a genuine investigation might find. There is as much interest in the role of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and their friends in the CIA who blocked the arrest of the alleged 9/11 hijackers. The most vocal US group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, studiously takes no position other than to demand an inquiry into the as yet unexplained collapse of skyscrapers apparently brought down with astonishing speed by two plane collisions in New York, events the Twin Towers were designed specifically to withstand.

The emerging global truth movement that is making Clinton, Obama and Cameron so nervous is fed by the unanswered questions over 9/11 and 7/7 -- but also by the lies used to start the 2003 Iraq war. If they will lie systematically to start a war, the supreme crime according to the Nuremberg tribunal, why would they tell the truth about anything else? ask the skeptics. So far no politician or newspaper editor has been jailed or even sacked for incompetence as a result of the weapons of mass destruction hoax, so that might be a good place for Cameron to make a start at "not standing by." Why not hold a public inquiry into how the media laundered the Iraq lies and why with a few exceptions they have not even apologized?

Contrary to politicians' claims, there has never been a full and thorough inquiry into 9/11 or 7/7. An inquiry cannot be genuine when the intelligence agencies, whose activities or lack of them are an essential part of the story, are obstructing justice themselves. For instance, the CIA refused any access by the 9/11 Commission to their interrogations of alleged 9/11 organisers, now Guatanamo Bay prisoners, nor to the interrogators, nor to the interrogation records which they later illegally destroyed.

The 9/11 Commission was, in the words of its chair and co-chair, "set up to fail." Commissioner Max Cleland did not even sit through the charade; he resigned, calling the inquiry a whitewash and a scandal. Does that make Cleland a non-violent extremist?

The 7/7 inquest was constrained in many ways, not least by the state counsel making it clear at the outset that they would not look into so-called "conspiracy theories." This suggests another way that Cameron could "not stand by." Why not reconvene the 7/7 inquiry with orders to look thoroughly into all the "conspiracy theories" with unlimited subpena powers against anyone they or the relatives of the survivors wish to question? Don't the victims deserve that anyway?

Perhaps the most bizarre of all Cameron's logical twists is the claim that the 9/11 truth movement is encouraging Muslim extremism. People saying Osama bin Laden was a dupe of the CIA or even had nothing to do with 9/11 are, according to the prime minister, helping recruit more jihadist supporters for Osama bin Laden's soul mates. In fact al Qaeda and the NATO alliance both agree that the 9/11 truth movement is their enemy, and have condemned it in often similar terms.

This all makes sense if the intelligence agencies have more links than they like to admit with jihadists, that the 9/11 and 7/7 stories are indeed wrong and that NATO governments are trying to find ways to use the fear factor to extend their already pervasive media control by threatening anyone who could be designated a "non-violent extremist," which could be just about anyone the government dislikes.

No need to worry about that though. It's obviously a conspiracy

01273 326862 daytime
Contact Ian Henshall 079469 39217   

We will support any new investigation of the 9/11 attacks so long as
    *it is run by uncompromised people with a range of opinion including those inclined to disbelieve the official 9/11 story.
    *it follows the evidence wherever it leads
         If it takes place in the US to be credible it will need
    *full legal authority to demand immediate access to any evidence and any witness it chooses
    *the resources it requires to carry out its investigation

Reinvestigate 911 is supported by Coffee Plant (
) suppliers of organic and Fairtrade coffees to caterers and retail customers.

7 months in jail for critic of UK terror policy

Cameron's repressive government made its point, did it not?

Saturday, September 20, 2014

White House aided Moscow
in hiding germ war program
Robert M. Gates, defense secretary under the second President Bush and under President Obama, has admitted to having been a key player in an international operation to conceal from the world the Soviet Union's gigantic, treaty-breaking germ war program, according to a trio of reporters associated with the New York Times. Supposedly Gates was trying to prevent reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, whom Gates adjudged as the West's best bet, from being weakened politically.

Yet, Gorbachev and his government were denying the existence of a monstrous threat to humanity. Maybe the military had the audacity to conceal the program from Gorbachev, was one theory.

It is true that Communist Gorbachev was threatened politically by nationalist Boris Yeltsin. And, when the Soviet Union was on the brink of collapse, an alleged coup d'etat occurred, that rapidly went awry. I say "alleged" because an obvious motive of the plotters was to arrest Yeltsin, after which Gorbachev could have been restored to power.

At any rate, the point is that in 1991 the White House was meddling in press matters in order to keep a Communist from looking bad,  supporting him against a nationalist known to be highly amenable to Western ideas and who publicly stated that Russia should renounce the world empire business and concentrate on homeland affairs.

On Page 126 of  Germs -- Biological Weapons and America's Secret War, we read:

"The British were eager to expose the Soviet lies, perhaps by arranging for [high-level defector Vladimir] Pasechnik to make his charges public on a television documentary. Robert Gates, Bush's deputy national security adviser, was horrified by this idea, fearing it would humiliate Gorbachev and hamper his reform efforts."

Gates's argument prevailed, say authors Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William Broad, who quoted Gates as saying, "The information was tightly held. And the Bush administration had a pretty good reputation for keeping secrets."

Miller now appears on Fox News and writes a column for Pundicity. Engelberg is top editor at ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative news outfit that occasionally partners with the Times. Broad remains a science writer for the Times.

One might argue that helping this particular red was a rational policy. But, there are numerous other similar pointers that strongly suggest excessive communist influence at high levels in Washington.

Joining the CIA in 1966, Gates headed the agency from 1991 to 1993, having been the agency's deputy director from 1986 until 1989. He was a national security aide to President George H.W. Bush and  from January 20, 1989, until November 6, 1991. The elder Bush, who was President Gerald Ford's CIA chief for one year, approved of Gates's policy of favoring the top Soviet communist over the pro-Western nationalist Yeltsin.

Bush is still smarting from criticism of his "Chicken Kiev" speech in which he took a hard line backing reform communism over liberty.

Here we see a CIA careerist who angled on behalf of communism over freedom, which some might interpret as lending credence to  the long-held suspicion within the CIA that the agency was penetrated by moles.

The Soviet biowar program is discussed here:

Biotech or bioterror? A global dilemma

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Top NSA whistleblower sees
federal 'fraud' in 9/11 probes

William Binney, a top-tier official who quit the NSA  soon after 9/11 over President Bush's surveillance policies, has denounced the government investigations of the collapses of World Trade Center towers as "scientific fraud."

Binney, who spent 30 years in the code-cracking business, told an interviewer he was  convinced by a physicist and another scientist that the government had committed fraud in its 9/11 probe.

Binney said was approached to listen to the case for fraud after receiving an award on behalf of Laura Poitras, who was instrumental in breaking the Edward Snowden story.

He scorned the National Institutes for Standards and Technology for avoiding what he considered important areas of inquiry, noting that if crypto-analysts thought that way, codes would go uncracked.

Several years ago, Glenn Greenwald, then with Salon and later to team with Poitras in exposing NSA dragnet surveillance, strongly criticized the federal claims about Bruce Ivins, a federal scientist who committed suicide in 2008 after being accused of being the sole perpetrator of the anthrax attacks. A 2011 National Science Foundation report found that FBI and Justice Department claims concerning the scientific evidence against Ivins could not be substantiated.

Frontline interview of Binney

German interview of Binney

USA Today talks to Binney, 2 other NSA veterans

Wikipedia biographical sketch of Binney

Floors pancake faster than free fall in video
The first 17 minutes of this video are  impressive. Wayne Coste, who identifies himself as an engineer, points out visible evidence of controlled demolition of one of the twin towers.

The video of a tower collapsing shows ejecta exploding sideways from the building floor by floor. The reason the pancake theory doesn't work is because you can see this happening a split second BEFOREarrival of the leading edge of the debris cloud at the same height. But the debris cloud is falling at maximum velocity; nothing can fall faster. So the floors can't pancake faster than the debris cloud falls, which is what the video shows them doing for, as he says, about 20 floors.

Now a quibble might be that the force transmitted through the steel frame can travel faster than free fall. But it seems very doubtful one would see such an elegant pattern from that consideration. Another worry is that we don't know the provenance of this copy of the video, though there is no reason to doubt that the imagery is faithful to the original. Still, one can imagine federal officials shrugging their shoulders and suggesting that perhaps the clip has been tampered with.

Scientist troubled by cognitive dissonance among citizenry

Josh Mitteldorf, who has a background in physics, biology and computer simulation, reports that his similation of a trade center tower's collapse yielded a rate of fall far slower than what was observed.

He comments on the problem of lack of public awareness of the 9/11 issues thus:

I don't know anymore how to bring people aboard.  I think anyone who can be convinced by arguments from science or common sense physics is already convinced.  The problem now is that all our media are steeped so deeply in a vast charade that once the belief cracks, everything falls apart. Few people have the strength to confront the fact that the social and economic basis for their lives are built on lies of Orwellian scale.  It is the edge of madness to think 
  • that the politics we've discussed with our friends is a carefully-crafted illusion, 
  • that the economic system where we define our success and our value in the world has no legitimacy 
  • that progressive and liberal commentators who we admire are paid (or coerced) by the CIA to avoid 9/11 and other sensitive areas
  • that the vote count in major elections is systematically corrupted, always pulling toward the right
  • that all the non-profit advocacy groups that we support, the major environmental and civil rights and peace groups are working within a system that is unresponsive to them by design.
About half my friends have figured this out and share conspiracy stories with me, but the other half (including my daughters and my ex-wife) won't tolerate me talking about politics. 

Spiritual aside: The Battle of Armageddon by Hank Williams

Friday, August 29, 2014

'Paranoid' CIA conspiracy theorist
was right about red pull at the top
The CIA's counterintelligence chief, James Jesus Angelton, had been discredited as a "paranoid schizophrenic" toward the end of his career. The mole-hunter had been forced aside before his death in 1987.

However, a CIA inspector general later found that CIA directors under Presidents Reagan, Bush (the elder) and Clinton had been under strong KGB influence and had been passing Communist disinformation to the White House. Bush had been CIA chief under President Ford, and had also been Reagan's "co-president" for national security (at least until the Iran-Contra scandal flared).

This bit of history comes from the writer Edward Jay Epstein, as posted on Cryptome.

The purpose of the first excerpt on the Cryptome site is to pave the way for the second piece, which suggests that Edward Snowden's thefts involve far more than data on surveillance of Americans and that those public revelations may have been meant as a smokescreen for espionage. I don't necessarily agree with that. Why bother with the elaborate deception? Had he been a typical defecting spy, one would expect that he and his masters would have arranged a sensible escape plan in advance.

But the point I wish to make concerns the CIA inspector general verifying a major part of what many had suspected.

In a recent biography, James Jesus Angleton; Was He Right?, Epstein writes:

'In 1995, however , the CIA Inspector General found that in the 1980s and early 1990s the KGB had dispatched at least a half-dozen double agents who provided disinformation cooked up in Moscow to their CIA case officers. It further discovered that this concoction of bogus and factually true information had routinely been passed between 1986 and 1994 to three Presidents– President Ronald Reagan, President George H.W. Bush and President Bill Clinton. The disinformation, according to the Inspector General, became part of one of the CIA's most highly classified products, with each report signed personally by the CIA director, provided with a distinctive blue stripe to signify their importance , and sent directly to the President, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State. When the CIA Inspector General retrospectively traced out the path of this disinformation in the blue border reports, he found that the “senior CIA officers responsible for these reports had known that some of their sources were controlled by Russian intelligence.” These CIA officials apparently continued to forward the Russian disinformation to the White House because it would be too embarrassing for them to admit that they had been so badly deceived. Whatever their motive, the CIA officers who had been gulled by the KGB found a common interest with the KGB in not revealing on-going deception. The CIA Director John Deutch, who had received these blue border reports when he was deputy director of the Department of Defense, told Congress that the CIA’s failure to disclose that the intelligence was from KGB-controlled agents was "an inexcusable lapse in elementary intelligence practice."'

An insightful retrospective on Epstein:

It should be noted that Epstein has often been embroiled in controversy, especially with respect to his analyses of the assassination of President Kennedy.

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