Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update on 'intelligent design'

Does life's complexity imply a Great Engineer? Journalists, non-mathematical academics and public officials, among others, may be interested in whether this question has been definitively laid to rest.

Attitudes of school boards, textbook buyers and judges hinge on how the argument is going. Is absolute prohibition of classroom discussion of the possibility of intelligent design censorship by militant atheists? Or are the arguments of intelligent design proponents bogus, meaning classroom discussion would violate the prohibition of governmental establishment of religion?

I have posted a review of math professor John Allen Paulos' book Irreligion which debunks "proofs" of God's existence at

Do dice play God: a review of Irreligion

Paulos and another mathematician, Josh Mitteldorf, kindly read the review and caught me in some muddled calculations, which have since been put right.

Though a non-mathematician may not be able to follow the specific calculations (which are quite easy),  he or she should nevertheless be able to follow the discussion quite well.

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