Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Friday, March 7, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Prosecutors drop hyperlink case
against Texas internet journalist

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Federal prosecutors in Texas have moved to dismiss 11 of 12 fraud charges against Barrett Brown, an internet activist and columnist.

Brown was originally charged with several crimes after posting a hyperlink to materials obtained from a hacked computer in a public Internet chat room. Brown linked to a website that included 860,000 email addresses and the credit card information of more than 60,000 people.

However, as laid out in a legal memorandum, Brown’s attorneys believed the hyperlink charges were too vague, were in violation of his First Amendment right to free speech, and would have a chilling effect on internet activity.

“Republishing a hyperlink does not itself move, convey, select, place or otherwise transfer, a file or document from one location to another.” Brown’s attorney had argued in a motion to dismiss the charges filed last week, before the government took that action on its own today. “The government only alleges that Mr. Brown transferred a hyperlink containing directions to where the Stratfor [Strategic Forecasting, Inc.] file was already placed by another person.”

Brown’s case had become of great interest to the news media, First Amendment lawyers, and others who feared a conviction could essentially criminalize the use of hyperlinks when sensitive information is involved, as well as chill linking online altogether.

Brown has been in federal custody since 2012, and still faces five additional charges in two other federal cases.

[The other charges concern "terroristic threats" that appear to have been the result of the extreme duress of federal actions against him. In one case, it appears that he may have been inebriated, but that feds decided to slap him with charges anyway.]

CIA chief blasts senators
as Feinstein confirms probe
But spook does not directly deny that lawmakers were spied on
Brennan decries Senate oversight,
preferring oversight by unnamed 'authorities;'
CIA defies White House, refuses to issue torture report summary;
Rogue agency acts independently of President and Congress

Spooks blocked lawmakers from oversight
based on apparent computer surveillance

Was this a sly trick to catch feds in unethical activity?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

The importance of net neutrality

When I tried to use Tor anonymizer, I found it didn't work. Then, I checked some links related to Tor and received a message that my server, Comcast, refused to permit me access.

Reclassify Internet Service Providers As Common Carriers
8,840 Submissions so far

On January 14, 2014, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit struck down the FCC's Open Internet rules on a technicality, that internet service providers were not classified as common carriers by the FCC. This threatens the whole future of net neutrality, and would allow big telecom companies to discriminate in how they carry internet traffic.

But all the FCC simply needs to do is correct this classification oversight, entirely within their own administrative power, and reclassify internet service providers as common carriers, which all common sense says that they are.

More than 100,000 people signed a petition on the White House website asking President Obama to take action. But while expressing his support the president declined to intercede with the FCC himself.

So it's all up to us. Please submit this form to send your comments supporting net neutrality directly to the FCC. For this one there is no "petition" other than words "Reclassify Internet Service Providers As Common Carriera". And by adding just a couple words of your own, if you would, this will prove that every submission came from a real person.

The one click form below will submit your message to the gateway for FCC docket 14-28, opened 2/19/2014 on the issue of keeping the internet open, with the subject "Reclassify Internet Service Providers As Common Carriers." If you also select one of the local newspaper options below, at the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your choice of local daily newspaper if you like.

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Uproar over NSA role
in webcam intercepts

Thursday, February 27, 2014

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