Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

FBI concealed from 9/11 probes
its pipeline to bin Laden -- paper

FBI says it gave all "relevant" information to the 9/11 panel. The FBI operative's whereabouts after 1994, however, are top secret.
Guardian reporter tells of cyber harassment

Luke Harding also experienced other annoyances, such as the compromising of the safe where he kept his laptop.

My impression is that the campaign of petty harassment (what the late British spook William Stephenson termed "pinprick" activity against adversaries) was intended to disrupt the reporter's thinking and convey the message, "We are watching you." In a word, intimidation.

I can tell you that I have on many occasions experienced similar forms of hazing by what I can only take to be governmental forces.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

And yet, he can't be ignored

Alan Turing's seminal paper was littered with errors,
 according to Donald Davies, who worked with Turing on development of an electronic computer.

Davies referred to the mistakes in On computable numbers, with an application to the entscheidungsproblem as routine "programing errors," though he argued that one of them strongly affected Turing's undecidability proof.

Turing had corrected a few errors shortly after publication of his paper, but, said Davies, was quite annoyed by Davies's list of proposed corrections, with Turing arguing that the flubs did not affect the conceptual proof.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Urgent call for action
UN probe blames top reds
for horrors in North Korea

Newz from Limbo comments: The call for action by the UN High Commissioner is likely to get only lip service assent, particularly in the United States, where much of the media seems to believe that so-called McCarthyism is far, far worse than Communism. There are actions short of war that can be taken by the UN and its member states to apply the screws to North Korea's band of demons.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
A wide array of crimes against humanity, arising from “policies established at the highest level of State,” have been committed and continue to take place in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, according to a UN report calling for urgent action by the international community to address the human rights situation in the country, including referral to the International Criminal Court.

In a 400-page set of linked reports and supporting documents, based on first-hand testimony from victims and witnesses, the UN Commission of Inquiry on human rights in the DPRK has documented in great detail the “unspeakable atrocities” committed in the country.

Nightmare state
“The gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world,” the Commission -- established by the Human Rights Council in March 2013 -- says in a report that is unprecedented in scope.

“These crimes against humanity entail extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations, the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation,” the report says, adding that “Crimes against humanity are ongoing in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea because the policies, institutions and patterns of impunity that lie at their heart remain in place.”

The second more detailed section of the report cites evidence provided by individual victims and witnesses, including the harrowing treatment meted out to political prisoners, some of whom said they would catch snakes and mice to feed malnourished babies. Others told of watching family members being murdered in prison camps, and of defenceless inmates being used for martial arts practice.

“The fact that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea…has for decades pursued policies involving crimes that shock the conscience of humanity raises questions about the inadequacy of the response of the international community,” the report stated. “The international community must accept its responsibility to protect the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea from crimes against humanity, because the Government of the DPRK has manifestly failed to do so.”

The Commission found that the DPRK “displays many attributes of a totalitarian State.”

Orwell on steroids
“There is an almost complete denial of the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as of the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, information and association,” the report says, adding that propaganda is used by the State to manufacture absolute obedience to the Supreme Leader and to incite nationalistic hatred towards some other States and their nationals.

State surveillance permeates private lives and virtually no expression critical of the political system goes undetected – or unpunished.

“The key to the political system is the vast political and security apparatus that strategically uses surveillance, coercion, fear and punishment to preclude the expression of any dissent. Public executions and enforced disappearance to political prison camps serve as the ultimate means to terrorise the population into submission,” the report states.

“The unspeakable atrocities that are being committed against inmates of the kwanliso political prison camps resemble the horrors of camps that totalitarian States established during the twentieth century. The institutions and officials involved are not held accountable. Impunity reigns.”

Starvation of political prisoners
It is estimated that between 80,000 and 120,000 political prisoners are currently detained in four large political prison camps, where deliberate starvation has been used as a means of control and punishment. Gross violations are also being committed in the ordinary prison system, according to the Commission’s findings.

The report noted that the DPRK consists of a rigidly stratified society with entrenched patterns of discrimination. Discrimination is rooted in the songbun system, which classifies people on the basis of State-assigned social class and birth, and also includes consideration of political opinions and religion, and determines where they live, work, study and even whom they may marry.

Violations of the freedom of movement and residence are also heavily driven by discrimination based on songbun. Those considered politically loyal to the leadership can live and work in favourable locations, such as Pyongyang. Others are relegated to a lower status. For example, the distribution of food has prioritised those deemed useful to the survival of the current political system at the expense of others who are “expendable.”

“Confiscation and dispossession of food from those in need, and the provision of food to other groups, follow this logic,” the report notes, adding that “the State has consistently failed in its obligation to use the maximum of its available resources to feed those who are hungry.”

Guns before bread
Military spending – predominantly on hardware and the development of weapons systems and the nuclear programme – has always been prioritised, even during periods of mass starvation, the report says. The State also maintains a system of inefficient economic production and discriminatory resource allocation that inevitably produces more avoidable starvation among its citizens.

Violations of the rights to food and to freedom of movement have resulted in women and girls becoming vulnerable to trafficking and forced sex work outside the DPRK. Many take the risk of fleeing, mainly to China, despite the high chance that they will be apprehended and forcibly repatriated, then subjected to persecution, torture, prolonged arbitrary detention and, in some cases sexual violence. “Repatriated women who are pregnant are regularly subjected to forced abortions, and babies born to repatriated women are often killed,” the report states.

The Commission urged all States to respect the principle of non-refoulement (i.e. not to forcibly return refugees to their home country) and to adopt a victim-centric and human rights-based approach to trafficking, including by providing victims with the right to stay in the country and access to legal protection and basic services.

“Crimes against humanity have been, and are being, committed against starving populations. These crimes are sourced in decisions and policies violating the universal human right to food. They were taken for purposes of sustaining the present political system, in full awareness that they would exacerbate starvation and contribute to related deaths.”

Bizarre record of abductions
The Commission also found that, since 1950, the “State’s violence has been externalized through State-sponsored abductions and enforced disappearances of people from other nations. These international enforced disappearances are unique in their intensity, scale and nature.”

While the Government did not respond to the Commission’s requests for access to DPRK and for information, the Commission obtained first-hand testimony through public hearings with about 80 witnesses in Seoul, Tokyo, London and Washington D.C., and more than 240 confidential interviews with victims and other witnesses, including in Bangkok. Eighty formal submissions were also received from different entities.

The report includes a letter sent by the Commissioners to the Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, containing a summary of their most serious findings, in particular the fact that “in many instances” the systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations “entail crimes against humanity,” and drawing attention to the principles of command and superior responsibility under international criminal law according to which military commanders and civilian superiors can incur personal criminal responsibility for failing to prevent and repress crimes against humanity committed by persons under their effective control.

In the letter to Kim Jong-un, the Commissioners stated that it would recommend referral of the situation in the DPRK to the International Criminal Court “to render accountable all those, including possibly yourself, who may be responsible for the crimes against humanity referred to in this letter and in the Commission’s report.”

Among wide-ranging recommendations to the DPRK, to China and other States, and to the international community, the Commission calls on the Security Council to adopt targeted sanctions against those who appear to be most responsible for crimes against humanity, stressing that sanctions should not be targeted against the population or the economy as a whole.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Google email policy aids NSA
Google now requires anyone signing up for a free email account to provide a phone number.
Easy for Google to correlate accounts. Also makes things a breeze for the federal surveillance crowd.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Number theory challenge: find the flaw

Everyone thinks there ought to be an elementary proof of Fermat's last theorem. However, such attempts have all been in vain. There is always some Achilles' heel. So, what is there for most of us to do other than accept Andrew Wiles's proof on faith.

But wouldn't it be nice if an elementary proof turned up? That would in no way diminish Wiles's accomplishment, which doubtless has spurred whole areas of advancement in mathematics. On the other hand, an elementary proof is unlikely to contribute much to the development of mathematics.

Yet, everyone loves a puzzle! So, enjoy yourself and see if you can find the Achilles' heel in my little effort.

Concerning a noted result of number theory

1. Any three lengths can be arranged into a triangle.

2. So if a, b and (an + bn)1/n were all integers, then these three lengths would form a triangle.

3. For n = 2m+1 and m > 0, a, b and c ( = (an + bn)1/n ) form a non-right triangle.

4. Momentarily not worrying about whether n is even or odd, let n = 2t, we have

[(at)2 + (bt)2)]1/(2t) < [ (at)2 + (bt)2)]1/2

5. Or,

[an + bn]1/n < [an + bn]1/2

6. And statement 3. is established.

7. A standard proof of the law of cosines places the longest side c, off the x axis.

8. We shall use this law, but also establish another relation by placing c on the x axis and the altitude of the triangle ABC (the capitalized letters represent the vertices) on the y axis. We call the origin 0, so that C0 is the altitude, which we call h. We say the length BO = r and the length
0A = c - r. Arbitrarily, a < b < c, with a =/= 0.

8a. That is, we have two right triangles joined by h, which is perpendicular to c. Under side b on the x axis is base r and under side a on the x axis is (c - r).

9. We obtain the simultaneous equation:

(c - r)2 + h2 = b2
r2 + h2 = a2

10. Which gives

c2 -2cr = b2 - a2

10a. Note that for statement 2. to hold, r must be rational.

11. Or

c2 = b2 - a2 + 2cr

12. We also have the cosine formula

c2 = b2 + a2 - 2abcos(c)

13. Combining

c2 = b2 - a2 + 2cr
c2 = b2 + a2 - 2abcos(c)

14. We obtain

c2 = b2 + cr - abcos(c)

15. Or

c(c - r) = b(b - acos(c))

16. So that

c(c - r)/(b - acos(c) ) = b

16a. Note that this identity does not apply for n = 2, as cos(c) = 0 and c2 =/= b2 - a2 + 2cr.

17. Well

cn - bn = an

18. And

cn - cn(c - r)n/(b - acos(c))n = an

19. So

cn[1 - (c - r)n/(b - acos(c) )n] = an

19a. Note that as c - r and a are both positive, we require acos(c) > b/a.

19b. Check: let cos(c) = b/a.

19c. Then,

c2 = b2 + a2 - 2ab(b/a)

19d. Or, c2 = a2 - b2

which, by condition b > a, would make the right side negative (and c a complex number).

20. Anyway

c[1 - (c - r)n/(b - acos(c))n]1/n = b

21. Case i.

Suppose (c - r)/(b - acos(c)) = p/q where p and q are relatively prime integers.

In that case, we are done.

22. Case ii.

Suppose p/q = -j = |k|, where k and j are integers. (We are assuming n = 2m+1.)

23. So then

c(kn + 1)1/n = b

24. But

kn < kn + 1 < (k + 1)n

25. Or

k < (kn + 1)1/n < k + 1

26. Hence (kn + 1)1/n is no integer and can't be rational at all. So case ii is satisfied.

27. Now we are done. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bing clung to pro-red search
despite Kristof's 2009 warning

Rebecca MacKinnon, commenting in the Guardian, writes that she found that searches in basic Chinese characters returned results conforming to Chinese government censorship, while results in traditional Chinese writing did not do so. She suspected that Microsoft engineers had neglected to correct the search algorithm for people outside mainland China, but was at a loss to explain why Microsoft had taken no action following a disclosure in 2009 by Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times columnist.

Mackinnon comment

Kristof blog

However, there is also the matter of Bing, which is owned by Microsoft, removing the home page from its search engine and only restoring it after the censorship story exploded this week. FreeWeibo is deemed an enemy of the Red Chinese state.

Stefan Weitz, Bing's chief, blamed technical glitches and the possibility that Weibo's web site had been deemed "inappropriate" or said to have adult content.

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