Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Thursday, September 17, 2015

A son's suspicion about his CIA dad's role in a murder

Am almost finished reading Mary's Mosaic (2012) by Peter Janney, the psychologist son of Wistar Janney, a former high-level CIA officer.

The younger Janney is convinced that the CIA murdered a friend of his family, Mary Pinchot Meyer, an offspring of the powerful liberal Pinchot family and one of JFK's girlfriends. Further, Peter recalls discrepancies in his dad's behavior on the day of the murder of the socialite, who was estranged from top CIA man Cord Meyer. Specifically, after talking to his mother and brother and examining later accounts of what occurred, Janney came to believe that Wistar Janney knew Pinchot Meyer was dead before the police had tentatively identified the body.

Janney's idea is that she was killed to silence her about what she knew about JFK's assassination.

Janney has done a service by drawing together much disparate information and by contributing his own discoveries, which include the fact that a "Pentagon officer" who was a witness at the ensuing murder trial shows signs of having been a professional intelligence operative, in particular the witness has what seems to be an unverifiable legend about his past.

The government's case against the poor black suspect was weak, and he was acquitted. Nevertheless, "reasonable doubt" doesn't mean that Ray Crump wasn't a strong suspect, though Janney doesn't accept that point.

Janney, who is fully focused on the fact that the coup d'etat against the Kennedy brothers could only have been pulled off by the CIA, extends this awareness to the case of Mary Myer, whom he knew personally during his childhood. Interestingly, the CIA official who had obtained propagandistic control of much of the U.S. media was none other than Cord Myer.

The fact that James Angleton was on the spot trying to retrieve Mary's diary is explicable on grounds that he was friends with Mary's sister in law, Tony Pinchot Bradlee, and her husband Ben Bradlee, the noted Washington journalist. Yet, as various 1970s inquiries discovered, Angleton had been handling the CIA's work with the Warren commission and went on to try to sell the spin to credulous writers that Lee Oswald was the shooter, but that he may have been reporting to the Cubans or the Soviets.

The fact that an intelligence operative witness materialized to bolster the case against Crump may be seen in another light. Pinchot Meyer was a powerful Washington socialite. Her friends in the Georgetown set might have used their reach to have the intelligence system provide a false witness so as "not to let that bastard get away with murder."

But what of Wistar Janey's phony behavior when he that evening feigned surprise on getting a phone call that Mary had been killed? (In fact, Peter discovered, Wistar had earlier that day telephoned Ben Bradlee and Cord Myer with the bad news.) I can imagine this scenario: a CIA Washington unit kept tabs on the police radio in the event of anything coming up that might be of intelligence interest. Hearing that a woman had been killed on a Georgetown tow path, the CIA scrambled some people to get down to the scene and get photos. When the photos were examined, she was quickly recognized and Wistar was notified because he was close friends of Cord and the Bradlees.

The identification was withheld for several hours to allow for a CIA crew to remove from Mary's apartment and art studio anything pointing to CIA connections (Cord's identity was not yet public knowledge).

The senior Janney may have been following security protocols when he played dumb about his initial knowledge of the slaying.

One more point. A tow truck driver reported the shooting after being called to repair a stalled Nash Rambler. While the police activity was in progress, the Rambler went missing and the service station hadn't yet made any records of the incident.

One possibility is that, during the confusion, the owner returned to the scene, got in his vehicle, tried it, and found that it started (perhaps it had only been "flooded"), allowing him to drive it off. Or, perhaps the CIA confiscated the car in order to have its experts go over it looking for clues. Police know not to challenge "national security" orders. (After all, this woman was a CIA official's estranged wife.)

And Janney has not put much attention on one other possibility: An angry husband. The husband is usually a chief suspect in a wife's murder. Certainly Meyer and a few associates had the means to have Pinchot Meyer killed. This would not imply a CIA conspiracy to kill her, but rather implies a small rogue operation. I do not suggest this is what happened. However, I am hesitant to endorse Janney's conspiracy theory, despite much excellent work.

So, unless I happen upon another nugget in Janney's book, I would say he has not offered a compelling case that the CIA had Pinchot Meyer hit. In fact, Janney's speculation as to how a hit crew would have operated raises a number of puzzles that I won't entertain at this point.

Nevertheless, Mary Pinchot Meyer was slain some seven months after Kennedy's killing -- a period of sudden deaths of a number of persons with possibly important knowledge concerning the JFK assassination.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Obvious discrepancies in Oswald photos

Use contol + to blow up pictures.  Or go to

Image result for oswald backyard photos
C133A is on left, C133B in middle, C133C on right. 

C133A: Oswald's feet are slightly forward of a sandbag under the staircase.The top of his head is substantially above the top of the fence behind him.

C133C: Oswald's feet are in almost the same place as in A, but in C the top of his head is even with the top of the fence behind him.

C133C did not appear in Warren Commission exhibits.

There doesn't seem to be enough of a difference in the positions of the feet to account for the difference in head positions. The closer a person being photographed is to the fence, the more the perspective changes.

The pistol on Oswald's hip matches the fence background exactly in C133A and C133C, but his head is not even close.

The change in head perspective might be accounted for if the photographer stood at different distances from Oswald for C133A and C133C. However, the staircase perspective seems to be about the same in A and C, though A's staircase shows less than C's.

If one were to push up C so that the feet are on the same horizontal line as the feet in A, then the staircase perspectives would be identical.

House assassinations committee experts connected to the FBI said that differences were attributable to changes in photo shooting angle.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

CIA's rogue crazy unit abolished
Clandestine Services scrapped as revamp
brings agency to heel under Obama's man

The Intercept's story

Babylon the Great is fallen! The sinister arm used for shadowy aims of unruly power freaks has perished. Shock waves circle the globe as power elites everywhere reassess their positions.

Next miracle we hope to see: The revitalized agency getting more honest about -- or at least walking back -- the official malarkey about the 9/11 and anthrax attacks.

Desperate efforts to project an illusion of power can be expected from the the disgruntled top command of the junked division, which has been a fixture of the CIA since its creation in the late 1940s. During that period it became notorious as a law unto itself, its brass hats routinely sneering at presidents and lawmakers.

How will the corporate media react? Many of the rotten division's flunkies in media must be out of their minds with fear. In the meantime, expect jostling for plum jobs as those who have been overly cozy with the junked unit become vulnerable to rivals seeking their jobs.

CIA description of revamp

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bill Gates's nightmare
Microsoft founder Bill Gates joined other notables who have been warning of the potential for artificial intelligence to get out of control. Real problems could emerge within decades, he said.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Should Facebook flag its own story?
Facebook and iInstagram, both owned by the Facebook company, went down for a while earlier today. Somebody at Facebook said the sites went down because of an internal glitch in a Facebook computer, and gave out that hackers weren't responsible.
Yet, at the same time, other social media sites, such as HipChat and Tinder, also went down.
I suppose that that blackout was also a result of computer glitches happening on those sites in a remarkable case of random coincidence. Couldn't possibly be true that the hacker collective Lizard Squad was, as it implied, responsible.
Well, maybe the snowstorm disrupted a common computer linkage, but, if so, Facebook isn't admitting it.
Here is one excerpt from a news account:
“This was not the result of a third party attack but instead occurred after we introduced a change that affected our configuration systems. We moved quickly to fix the problem, and both services are back to 100 percent for everyone,” CNBC reports, citing the company’s statement received via email.
Interestingly, Facebook's newsroom is mum on the topic.
So perhaps those stories conveying the views of anonymous FB spokespersons on this incident should be flagged as "false news" put out by corporate types concerned about FB's reputation for security.
Another possibility: the other social media sites have business arrangements with Facebook to use FB technology, but FB said nothing about that.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

CIA'S black ops division
is going out of business
The departure of the head of Clandestine Services shows that the semi-autonomous division has a lost a fateful Washington power struggle, with President Obama's appointee moving to exercise firm control over the agency.

Though the proposed overhaul isn't a done deal, it seems probable that the division's support will be somewhat cool on Capitol Hill -- in the aftermath of the decision to spy on Senate staff members concerning the highly charged "enhanced interrogation" report.
It may be that some in the GOP will accuse Obama of unilateralism, but, as chief executive, he has a great deal of leeway in how departments of government are organized. Lawmakers may be more interested in making hay over the issue than in actually protecting the division.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

We need a worldwide campaign to reproduce this and other such cartoons.

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