Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Some may regard the Alex Jones web sites as unreliable. This isn't quite fair. The reliability varies. The doctor's claims in the interview linked below make sense in light of the maneuvering to play down anything to do with Ebola in America. For example, if authorities are refusing to disclose which facilities are designated for Ebola patients in order to head off "hysteria," it seems quite likely they wouldn't want attention drawn to those facilities by actual Ebola cases.

Plus, PrisonPlanet published my report on a 9/11 investigation by NIST. So the Jones outfit can't be all bad.

As PrisonPlanet noted:

According to [Sharyl] Attkisson, a CDC representative answering questions on potential Ebola cases admitted that the agency has refused to update their website with current information.

"I called CDC not long ago and I said how many cases are being monitored in the United States and they said 1,400. I said, ‘Where are these updates on your web site?’” Attkisson said. “They said they’re not putting it on the web. This is public information we have a right to know and the media should not hype it, but should cover it.”

The statement comes as no surprise given an admission in Forbes last November that major media outlets had agreed to not report on potential cases for the federal government. [That statement has been modified, but, as shown below, AP has decided to play down coverage.]

“The Associated Press and other press outlets have agreed not to report on suspected cases of Ebola in the United States until a positive viral RNA test is completed,” the article said.

I add that Attkinson made an excellent point: The scary publicity was beneficial, forcing the Obama administration to institute screening at U.S. airports and daily monitoring of persons at risk for Ebola.

The deal to tamp down Ebola coverage -- which as it happens followed President Obama's appointment of a political operative as "Ebola czar" -- is something the New York Times's public editor might wish to examine. However, it should be noted that the Times has at least made a show of continuing to report on Ebola matters.

In an October advisory to editors, the Associated Press told news editors of its decision to play down Ebola coverage.

"We’re increasingly hearing reports of “suspected” cases of Ebola in the United States and Europe. The AP has exercised caution in reporting these cases and will continue to do so.

"Most of these suspected cases turn out to be negative. Our bureaus monitor them, but we have not been moving stories or imagery simply because a doctor suspects Ebola and routine precautions are taken while the patient is tested. To report such a case, we look for a solid source saying Ebola is suspected and some sense the case has caused serious disruption or reaction. Are buildings being closed and substantial numbers of people being evacuated or isolated? Is a plane being diverted? Is the suspected case closely related to another, confirmed Ebola case?

"When we do report a suspected case, we will seek to keep our stories brief and in perspective."

Where are the Ebola treatment centers? It's a state secret

Physician tells broadcaster of strange doings

A secret U.S, plan to fly more Ebola victims to America

Ebola blackout discussed on Fox News

At the very least, it is apparent that the Obama administration doesn't really believe that the American citizenry owns America, entitling it to know what's going on, especially as this matter has nothing to do with a shooting war.


Catholic Online
concedes that Alex Jones's site may be playing the sensationalism card. But the publication doesn't wish to discount the reports out of hand because of its experience with press coverage of the Syrian conflict. I would never say that simply because a Catholic Online writer is troubled, we should automatically follow suit. Yet, from a political standpoint, it is noteworthy that Catholic Online publishes the Catholic Encyclopedia,

"There are some immediately apparent questions. Is Infowars playing up the hype for its audience? It's possible, however these claims should be considered. Not all of the news is actually news. Often, the truth is obscured by mainstream media outlets and Americans need to turn to alternative media sources for information. Catholic Online has already confirmed that some kind of coordinated censorship is happening in real time, particularly concerning the terror conflict in Syria and Iraq."

If there is any agreement to play down Ebola coverage, it appears that it isn't all that effective.

Still, this story doesn't dispel concerns about secret treatment of Ebola victims. This man was ill, but not with Ebola.

Whenever blood testing is done, there is an error rate. Some errors are "false negatives" (the test fails to detect the disease) and some are "false positives" (the test wrongly indicates presence of disease).

It may seem a good thing that "false positives" aren't finding their way into news reports. Who needs groundless hysteria?

But what's wrong with this picture is that a false positive should require more than another blood test or two to be certain there is no virus present. If a person has an initially low level of virus in his system, other tests done right away could well return negative results. Hence, in a case where a person has been potentially exposed to Ebola, has flu-like symotoms and a positive tes result, the only solution is close monitoring over a period of days or weeks.

And yet, there are at present zero positive cases being reported in America, meaning there have been no recent cases eventually turn out to be false positives. This strongly suggests that either somehow the blood tests are now infallible, or there is collusion to keep Americans unaware of patients who could very well be infected with Ebola.

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